CCL - Cop Construction LLC
CCL stands for Cop Construction LLC
Here you will find, what does CCL stand for in Construction under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Cop Construction LLC? Cop Construction LLC can be abbreviated as CCL What does CCL stand for? CCL stands for Cop Construction LLC. What does Cop Construction LLC mean?The United States based company is located in Billings, Montana engaged in construction industry.
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Alternative definitions of CCL
- Communication Command Language file (Intalk)
- Commodity Control List
- Carnival Corporation
- Commerce Control List
- Contaminant Candidate List
- Common Command Language
- Computational Chemistry List
- Couple to Couple League
View 689 other definitions of CCL on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- CJF Chelsea Jewish Foundation
- CDS Centre for Development Studies
- CMC Creative Materials Corporation
- CELAG CEL Aerospace Group
- COS Center for Open Science
- CCR City of Coon Rapids
- CMP City of Manassas Park
- CSPL City Schools Pvt. Ltd.
- CWSL Crombie Wilkinson Solicitors LLP
- C1SCHD Cory 1St Choice Home Delivery
- CIO Central Informatics Organisation
- CNSL Computer Networks and Security Laboratory
- CASS Calgary Alternative Support Services
- CHSA Community Health Solutions of America
- CSG Court Square Group
- CABH Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health
- CSP City of South Perth
- CLA Chrysalis Los Angeles
- COS Cascade Orthopedic Supply
- CGNR Christchurch Group Neurological Rehabilitation